Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The War on Weeds

It would seem that I am an avid garden nut. This isn't really surprising given my history. I have a tendency to throw myself passionately into something, especially things I love. Homework fell by the wayside, the laundry piles up, I forget to fill up the van (again), but by golly I would finish that absorbing novel, the sweater or story!
As to gardening, I really should have clued in sooner about this interest. Weeding the neighbours ' garden by stealth just so I could enjoy the sight of their daffodils was just one hint. This summer though I may have bitten off more than I can chew, especially as it is only my second attempt at a garden of my own- but the desire for fresh tomatoes, sunflowers, peas, and pumpkins can make any gardener do silly things,particularly when a friend of a friend tells you to take as much space as you want in their yard for your garden plot!
Ever since we first tore out the sod for said plot, the grass has been desperately trying to reclaim the territory. Along with beets, herbs and zuchini, I have cultivated a healthy dislike of weeds this summer. I am certain that they were part of the fall once Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Oft times I have fought a losing battle, but wonder of wonders! For the first time ever last week it felt that I had at last gained the upperhand. We've been simply besieged by weeds from day one, and given the fact that my friend's little boys were very industrious about removing our carefully plotted row markers, it's a miracle that anything besides the verdant pests have grown at all.
As I've been ridding myself of these unwanted garden guests I have made the joyous discovery again and again of tough little plant sprouts that never said die. This is despite the competion and a dreadful cold season in the spring. Incredibly, even some of the cucumbers survived! My tomatoes survived the frost, and my pea patch is becoming a lush little jungle. I even managed not to kill of the potatoes this year. So far.
Nothing keeps an avid amateur gardener coming back for more when it comes to the war on weeds than the intoxicating success of seeing you plants beginning to thrive.

1 comment:

Elder Connor Thompson said...

So have you enjoyed the fruits of your labor so far? I'm sure it tastes wonderful!!