Thursday, June 18, 2009

Book of the Week

Greetings to all my fellow bibliophiles! We continue this week with more great summer reads.

The Delights of Mr.Darcy:
Looking back on past book post I found that I have yet to burble about my favourite novelist Jane Austen. Shocking that she has been neglected for so long! While I adore her novels, the one that started my passion for her work is the inestimable classic "Pride and Predjudice". From the minute you read the famous opening line "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." you know that you're going to have fun with this one. What is it about this novel which still resonantes with people? For me it is the dry wit, wonderful use of words, memorable characters, and the business of getting a husband (which truly is not so very different from the dating scene today). A good novel needs good plot and superb cahracters-"Pride and Predjudice" has both. Who could ever forget the imperious Lady Catherine, the toady Mr.Collins, the angelic Jane or the neurotic Mrs.Bennet? Each time I reread this one I am struck anew by how familiar the characters are, both in myself and those that I know. Then there's the conflict between the hero and heroine, which has you hopping anxiously in fear that this time things might not work out so splendidly. To tell the truth, the first time I read this one I envied Elizabeth at the end- it made me wish that Mr.Darcy was real and still single.

A Pedestrian in Peril:
Pat Hutchins delightful book "Rosie's Walk" was unknown to me until I encountered it in one of my university courses. Hands down it was the best book I had to read in ANY of my classes! The text belies Rosise the hen's peril, for what could be more innocent than a little stroll around the farm before dinner? What makes this book so much fun is the illustrations that show you just how much trouble Rosie serenely meanders through. She makes it home okay, but her pursuer is not quite so lucky. Read it and laugh.

Happy reading all!


reddy said...

You should write more about Jane Austen. Northanger Abbey in particular.

Katey said...

Don't worry, it'll appear sooner or later. Most of Miss Austen's will, I just don't want to deluge everybody with them all at once.