Thursday, March 19, 2009

Book of the Week

(Cue the happy singing midgets),"We welcome you to Munchkinland, la la la la, la la la, la la la!" Okay, okay, so I just posted earlier today, but I'm pretty excited about htis new blog! I've decided to post a weekly feature called Book of the Week (hey, as a bibliophile, it ain't surprising).
I'll do one for the grownups, and one for the little people too.

Delicious dining:
I love experimenting with new recipes, and always enjoy cookbooks. My very favorite one is "Eat, Shrink and Be Merry". Not only does it contain fun recipes (like Grill of My Dreams, Darth Tater, and Wowie Maui Meatballs) but it's filled with pertinent info on diet and nutrition. It's chock full of goofy cartoons too, which are always worth a laugh. Did I mention that the recipes themselfves create truly delectable, healthy recipes? Try Jerk Chicken with Tropical Fruit Salsa, (healthy) Butter Chicken, and Lime and Cilantro Salmon Skewers. The book has been on the Best Seller List, and might still be I think. I use this one at least once a week. Definently worth checking out .(Ask Mum, I call her often to recommend yet another of the recipes in her copy of this one!)

Bedtime Bedlam:
Some of you may recall "Bread and Jam for Frances" by Russell Hoban (if you don't, read it too-you're missing out). While this is Frances' most famous adventure, I also love "Bedtime for Frances". Anyone with kids will recognize her stalling techniques. Frances is sheer delight as she grapples with giants, creppy crawlies and the usual songs she sings to herself as she must do the odious task all kids dread: actually going to sleep. The illustrations beautifully compliment the text.

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