Sunday, November 29, 2009

Book of the Week

With Advent upon us, here's the last of the cozy and snowy reads for your perusal and pleasure.

Cozy Read, Part 3:
Adventure, lovable heroes and despicable villains, mystery and riddles, great setting and laugh out loud humour; Brian Jacques novel "Redwall" has it all. A delicious read for grownups and children, I first discovered this one listening to Mum and Dad read it to us. We were all captivated and loved it!
When the peaceful Redwall Abbey is attacked by the rat warlord Cluny the Scourge, the brave mice and their woodland allies are hard pressed to preserve their freedom. Determined to restore the legendary sword of their founder Martin the Warrior to rally their cause, the novice Matthias begins a winding path to unearth the mystery of where the sword might be hidden. An unforgettable story, and brilliantly told.

Snowy Read, part 3:
Barbara Reid is a masterful storyteller, and her stunning plasticene illustrations tell the whole story in "Zoe's Snowy Day". Zoe sets out with her Mum one winter's day, and what adventures they have together!From sledding, to watching hockey at the park rink and home again for more hot cocoa, here is a wonderful little book to help welcome in the wintery season and get everyone excited for the snow. Barbara Reid has done three other Zoe books, one for each season, and they are all well worth the effort of finding.

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