Sunday, November 8, 2009

Beating the Mall Blues

I am one of those crazy people who tries to get all of her holiday shopping done by the end of November. There are multiple reasons for this: feeling organized for once, avoiding the insanity that is any store come Dec. 1, and spending advent actually doing Christmas things I love to name a few. Crowded stores always make me feel crabby anyways.
The thing is, living in a small town, my shop selection is limited. This has prodded me (as nothing else ever could have done) into the hitherto unexplored world of online shopping. As my nearest and dearest can attest to, a techno girl I am not. Last year Jason didn't believe me when I told him that I wanted an ipod for Christmas-he asked what I would do with one! It felt weird the first time I tried shopping online, but I'm becoming rather fond of it. Online shopping perks include:
-I can actually find things my dear ones will like, instead of resorting to shopping at the local Wal-mart for all of my gifts.
-better selection than any store, or mall.
-getting free shipping makes me feel oh-so-very-clever.
-getting actual packages in the mail, which is so much more exciting than the usual paper shredder fodder we usually get. Actually, the packages are probably my favourite thing about it (cue the Rogers and Hammerstein).
Thus, while I'll eagerly be watching for packages in the mail for the next few weeks, come December you will find me wrapping presents, baking a gingerbread castle, singing carols at the top of my lungs...and hardly crabby at all.

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