Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blackbeard Eat your Heart Out!

Okay. okay, I know that I burble a lot about my garden in here. Look on the bright side- once the snow sets in I shall burble on about yarn and knitting instead! But seriously, I had such a productive time at my garden today that I feel the need to ruminate...
Grandpa Young always jokes that "You can never cook too many potatoes when the Redds come for dinner!" and he's absolutely right. We are all big potato fans in the Redd clan, and Grannie and Grandpa only enabled us with the scrumptious potatoes from their own garden. That's what triggered my own garden fervor: wanting to enjoy my own marble-sized spuds. Well, this is the first year that I've done it!
This morning, Ben, Brigham and I all headed off to our garden-leaving golf for anyone else not gripped by our enthusiasm. We had so much fun turning up the soil and grubbing through the dirt to find those fleshy little nuggets. Digging for treasure has never been so much fun. Anytime we discovered yet another spud we'd get so excited to add it to our rapidly growing pile of edible gems.
Now home with the booty, I am plotting a scrumptious seasonal feast. As anyone who's ever had the great fortune to dine at Grannie and Grandpa's knows, no such summer meal would be complete without a big pot full of garden fresh boild potatoes, a bit of dill, butter, salt and pepper.
Yum me mateys!