Monday, March 22, 2010

Book of the Week

These days Winter seems determined to linger-despite Spring making repeated attempts to boot it out. Here's a few good finds to read while you're waiting for Spring to finally arrive.

Traditionally Built with a Tricky Trade:
I love The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith. They are a delicious read, soothing yet intriguing in a way that always keeps me turning the pages. When Precious Ramotswe of Botswana opens her detective agency she gets confronted by all sorts of interesting troubles. The story always unfolds in a winding and leisurely manner yet never loses your interest, all thanks to the marvelous characters within the pages. First there's Maa Ramotswe herself, traditionally built (aka larger) with her moral standards yet sympathetic understanding of people's foibles, Grace Makutski with her 97% from the Secretarial College, J.L.B Matekoni mechanic extrodinaire, Maa Potokwane the relentless orphanage mother who makes delicious fruitcake and many more. These books always make me want to curl up with a cup of Maa Ramotswe's favourite bush tea, and smile through the pages of the latest in the series.

Dealings with Dragons:
My finding of this next one was purely coincidental. I plcked up on a whim admist the piles of books at a library book sale, unknowingly having found a treasure. I originally got "The Dragons Are Singing Tonight" by Jack Prelutsky because I like some of his other poetry books for kids, plus Ben and Brigham are really into dragons lately. After reading it though, I found that I loved this one. It's even illustrated by Peter Sis, a favourite of mine, and the combination of fun poems with his great pictures is a fabulous one. There's some that'll tickle your funny bone, or just fun to read or dream about. Here's a sampling:
"My dragon's been disconsolate
And cannot help but pout,
Since he defied a thunderstorm
That put his fire out."

Happy Reading everybody!


2x2momma said...

The Dealing with Dragons book sounds sooo cute! I'm making Prince Philip capes right now for Caleb and Julian (except they're going to have CTR on the back, not something Prince Philip had too much of) so they can fight the dragons. Maybe we'll have to come up with a personal Dragon holiday so I can make Dragon soup!

Katey said...

Dragon soup? Can I get the recipe? It sounds good.