Thursday, March 18, 2010

The End of an Era

Often nostalgia will hit me whenever my kids develop past a certain stage. Mostly because I find the stage so cute in it's own way, that I grieve knowing that my Ben or Brigham will never be like that again. Oh there's excitement for the next phase, but still nostalgia for what will now be no more. But I said OFTEN.
Such is not the case with Brigham this week: he is finally, and completely potty trained! I'm over the moon about this new development. It's hard to wax nostalgic about dirty diapers, particularly as a few months ago Brigham decided that Mummy was the only one allowed to change him (I still suspect that Jason got him to develop such a decided preference in his favour).
Just over a week ago I decided it was high time to bite the bullet and begin his potty training in earnest. After my experience with Ben, I was bracing for the long haul; bribery, and fortitude over a period of a few months. But wonder of wonders, and miracle of miracles, within a week Brigs had got it! Now he just announces when he has to go and if he needs help. One of my favourite moments was one evening when he raced into the livingroom saying "I went potty Daddy! You're so proud of me!" Well, yes Brigham, we are. Brigham just seems to love being such a big boy and wearing underwear too.
After four straight years of doing diapers, it is a glorious feeling to be done them. At least until September, when we get to start all over again...


Eileen Young said...

Congratulations to Brigham ....your mom is a good & conscientious teacher. Another milestone for you.
We are enjoying being in Seattle.

Carlee said...

Congratulations. I love having a potty trained toddler. When Jack saw this picture, he said "Jack got a haircut". It does look a little like him I must admit.