Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cookie Fever

Forget visions of sugar plums, what I have dancing in my head are the ultimate Christmas time goodie: COOKIES! Also, this is no fairy ballerina tiptoeing about in there either, it's more like an African drumming dance.
While I love to bake anytime, there's something special about Christmas baking. One big thing is that it's the only time of year where the cookis my family pleads for is NOT chocolate chip! Variety is a good thing, particularly with so many scrumptious recipes to be had.I get real butter for my shortbread, make ridiculously large batches of gingerbread, dream over cookbooks, and even make my yearly allotment of sugar cookies (because they're too darn time consuming to make more than once every year).
Especially with such cold days upon us, it provides the perfect excuse for the munchkins and I to fire up the oven and bake cookies to our hearts content. Ben and Briggy are my willing accomplices when it comes to concocting cookies. They love stirring ingredients, using the rolling pin, and playing with the cookie cutters. I like to call them my taste testers, because first they want to snitch everything, but second, for a recipe to be repeated it has to meet their enthusiastic approval, otherwise I end up eating them all myself.
A lot of the recipes we make harken back to my own childhood memories, where I helped my Mum bake them. It's a beloved tradition and I love sharing it with my own kids. It's always great to whip up a few childhood favourites to enjoy. Mine has always been gingersnaps (or what we called Crybaby Cookies). What's your favourite?


reddy said...

Jam Thumprints. I miss them so much this year.

connie.guenrher said...

Our favorite are the thumb print cookies too with freezer raspberry jam. I only make them at Christmas because they take so darn long to do and I don't have any helpers around anymore.

2x2momma said...

Candy Cane sugar cookies. yum.