Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Giddy About the Goodies

Halloween seems like a much bigger deal than what I remember as a kid, but overall, I rather like it. Over the course of the next few days I will find myself helping to throw the branch party , there's the haunted house being thrown at Jason's school, not to mention countless other parties that will be occuring around town.
It's going to be very fun, but I can't help but wonder to what level of giddiness Ben and Brigham will reach over this weekend. I've ditched the survival plan, and all ideas of coping out the window. To heck with that! I'm going to find myself a great witch hat, find some good theme music and concoct up some cookies and popcorn balls. My greatest feat will be if I can convince Jason to dress up as well.
Ben is VERY excited for Halloween this year. When he's not burbling enthusiastically about the upcoming church party or trick or treating, he's happily supplying us with enough pictures of ghosts and pumpkins to paper the walls of our home. These artistic endeavors have made any need to get Halloween decorations completely superfluous. Although he has been cruising through potential costumes at a dizzying rate, he has managed to settle at last upon being a ghost. This, thankfully will be a cinch (not to mention will easily fit over his snowsuit).
Briggy, as usual, has taken Ben's hoopla into stride. The only time he has gotten remotely giddy (thus far) is whenever he spies the Halloween goodies that are festooned across any and every spot at the grocery store. He does enjoy his recycled monkey costume though, and has spent many a happy moment racing around the house doing his best primate impressions. He might be a bit young to go out trick or treating, but as whatever Ben does is the epitome of cool in his eyes, I've deemed it prudent to bring him along the night of.
That's what I really love about Halloween; the magic of racing around in your costume in the dark, the glow of jack-o-lanterns, and the glee of consuming way more sweets than your Mom normally lets you. It may not be a major holiday, but it's one that appeals to the kid in all of us.


reddy said...

Aww, I wish I could see your boys on Halloween! Take lots of pictures. And what do you mean Jason doesn't want to dress up? Tell him I think he is very lame.

Eileen Young said...

Good reviewer of books. When do you find time to read so much?


Katey said...

Not sure. It's either an obsession, or become so ingrained that it's now as necessary as breathing. But then, you always find time to do what's important to you.