Friday, July 17, 2009

Book of the Week

Seriously, does anyone read this? Ah well, my love of books will have out.

Exploring a Legacy:
"Blue Latitudes:Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before" by Tony Horwitz is a wonderful adventure and history read, especially in the summer when one dreams of traveling to far off places for vacation. Two hundred years from Captain Cook's birth, the reporter retraces the footsteps of the impoverished farmboy who became England's most famous navigator.
From England, Canada and Tonga, Horwitz visits all the lands that Cook discovered and explored, not only to gain insight into a compelling historical figure, but to see his influence and legacy in the lands whose destiny was changed with the arrival of his ships. Fascinating stuff.

Doings of A Doughnut:
We just discovered "Arnie the Doughnut" cooked up by Laurie Keller this week at the library. From the first line of "Arnie turned out to be just the kind of doughnut he hoped he'd be-chocolate covered with bright coloured candy sprinkles." you know that you're in for a good laugh.
Unlike the other confections at the bakery, Arnie does NOT like the idea of being eaten. To avoid the usual doughnut fate, he has to get creative. What really makes the story so fun is the illustrations, it's next to impossible to open the book and not leaf through all the pages. This one leaves me wanting a good doughnut to eat, but only after the story so that Arnie can't see what I'm doing.


2x2momma said...

I'm reading your blog Katey and find it sooo much fun! I'm going to look for Arnie the doughnut next time we're at the library... ;)

Janine said...

You make all your books of the week sound so good, I need to start being selective or my "Books to Read" list is going to explode! Luckily I just made the shift from a host of little scraps of paper with book titles on them to an computer database- dorky, but then I can actually remember all the titles I see in the bookstore and the ones that people recommend.

Katey said...

Dorky? Then I'm a lost cause! I've been keeping a reading log and reading wishlist for four years now, complete with a rating system for the books that I've read and how good they were.