Thursday, March 17, 2011

You Want S'More?

Marshmallows are a much-loved treat in our house. Last year for at least three months Briggy would beg, each night, for marshmallow pancakes in the morning. S'mores also happen to be my favourite dessert of all time... I just always hated the graham cracker component.
Not particularly tasty, they always seemed like crunchy cardboard. I'd eat 'em anyway though as a means to get to the delectable gooeyness that was toasted marshmallow and chocolate. Now though I have at last found a solution: homemade graham crackers.
I just baked some today and they're much more tasty- chewy squares with a hint of cinnamon. Much, much better! It wasn't long before we began to explore a bit and finally came up with a s'more cookie. A homemade cracker with marshmallow topping and topped with chocolate chips. Not as gooey as the real thing, but still pretty good. Behold the results.

My munchkins love marshmallows!

Out latest culinary creation.

*The witch would like to thank her wonderful mother-in-law whose finding graham flour for us made my quest to better s'mores possible. Love ya!

1 comment:

Relief Society Presidency said...

I will buy you more Graham flour if you will make me some of these!!!