Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Winter Blah Busters

No doubt some of our Southern friends and family are already in the thick of spring, but up here we still have at least one more month to go (most likely two). Often it's too cold to go out of doors, which can get tiring after a few weeks. This has provided me ample oppurtunity to be creative as I battle boredom with this quest: how do I keep three active little boys busy?

Here's some of the highlights:
-Liam has been discovering both the joys of mobility and teething
-doing art every Thursday supplies Jason and I with an abundance of masterpieces with which to plaster the walls
-library storytime every week is a sanity saver
-when in doubt, build a fort
-baking is a fun adventure with all my keen helpers
-keep a few toys stashed away to bring out when things get hairy, novelty is your friend
-so is play-doh, construction paper, tape and glitter glue
-we've all become avid Kinect players (thank-you Darrin!)
-building a something massive will keep the kids entertained for some time (use marble tracks, blocks, Duplo, whatever. They're all great)
-reading books together will always help to smooth any ruffled feathers

Stay warm and stay sane everybody!


reddy said...

Yep, I would still trade lives with you. Building duplo towers sounds like way more fun than studying credit and collection procedures.

Katey said...

Of course it is! I'm living the dream. Whoever says that being a SAHM is opting out doesn't know what they're missing!