Friday, October 29, 2010

Cake Catastrophes, Or Why I Love Cupcakes

Sorry everybody! It's been ages since I blogged. But things are beginning to fall into a semblance of a routine now, so hopefully that will now include regular posts.
So today I was doing prep work for Ben's birthday party which is tomorrow, and I decorated a bunch of cupcakes to look like monsters (which falls in with the whole monster theme). Now first let me be clear: when it comes to baking I'm pretty good, but when it comes to decorating said confection...Well, let's just say that the cake still tastes good okay?
Hence my current love for cupcakes. They're cute already, so it's hard-even for someone like me-to make them look bad. In fact, just minimal effort is required for them to look awesome. Take the "creepcakes" currently hidden somewhere in my kitchen; I slapped on some icing, then some candy and marshmellows to create monster faces on them, and voila! We now have a toothsome treat that actually looks good too. For once the aesthetics are in harmony with my baking skill.
Now all I have to do is guard creepcakes like a dragon so that they actually survive until the party...

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