Sunday, April 17, 2011

Timeless Fun

Remember Mr. Dressup? It was one of my very favourite TV shows while growing up. Indeed, one of my childhood ambitions was to get my hands on that man's tickle trunk. The possibbilities were endless! I never caught an item that showed up on the show more than once. The one thing I couldn't undestand though was how he'd just open up the tickle trunk and effortlessly pull out the required costume-never rummaging the way I had to with our own trunk of dressup clothes.
Such magic only strengthend the idea that dress-ups wielded a strong enchantment, and I played dress-ups a lot as a result. My kids are not much different. Although we don't have the possibilities of the tickle trunk, Ben and Brigham get quite inventive in finding what they need and often raid their parents clothes as a result. My shoes are a popular borrowed item. Scarfves coming up as a close second. Here are some pics from one of their latest forays. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Eileen Young said...

What interesting pics - Scrounging is more fun than just opening a tickle box. More imagination is used.