Thursday, January 6, 2011

C is for Cookie

I've always had a fondness for Cookie Monster. And although we had more than our fair share of cookie baking fun last month (Christmas seems like the ultimate excuse to whip up a batch for me)today we made some more- Ben, Briggy and I.
Briggy loves helping out in the kitchen so much that I've dubbed him "My Little Sous Chef". And with Ben getting some marvelous new cookie cutters in the shape of a race car, train and (his favourite) an airplane it was only a matter of time before we made some dough together so that they could make cookies to their hearts content. Ben has been pestering me to do so since he opened that present Christmas morning, so he was very excited about today's activity!
We had a grand time together. I do love the whimsy of cookie cutters, and as such, am slowly acquiring a rather fun collection. While Ben loves his airplane, Briggy favours the pterodactal while I love the tyrannosaurus rex. Even though I'm working hard to loss the remaining baby weight, a certain satisfaction is derived from biting a dinosaurs head off!


Eileen Young said...

What a good idea to have such novel cookie cutters - and what a fun way to work with the boys - sous chefs or not. Keep up the good work!
Happy New Year to all

reddy said...

Looks like a Brigham is enjoying them especially. What is that on his face?

Katey said...

Cookie dough from the beater of course, what else?

Nora said...

Is there a happier sight than a child with cookie dough on his face?